Friday, 6 January 2012

Should the Govt. have another look at their NHS reforms or should they show the courage of their conviction and carry on with the reforms? 28 June 2011

Doctors reject revised NHS plans according to the BBC.

Should the Govt. have another look at their NHS reforms or should they show the courage of their conviction and carry on with the reforms?

Representatives of the British Medical Association have voted to continue their call that the Health and Social Care Bill for England be withdrawn.

Are we going to see another "pause" ??

Perhaps they will keep asking for feedback until we give them the answer they want.......alternatively, they could just resign, on the grounds that they have done the almost impossible, and lost all credibility in less than 18

Analystic review.

Logan, why?

They should have the courage of their convictions.
If I recall correctly, the Drs Union was against the set up of the NHS to start with.
If you pardon my sexist language-this Government needs to "man-up" and go with what they believe in, rather than running a popularity contest.

Or all should just resign..yes, now thats a good idea.
I know that upset you you are such as fan of Gideon :-p

Alan wyllie ...Gideon rules...anyone who can share a holiday villa with Peter Mandelson is beyond................................something!

Logan....if they tried to carry on with their original plans they would be defeated...imo

Mandelson and Osbourn
The unacceptable face of British Politics..hehe

Alan....Doctors always moan....the BMA is a very effective Trade Union...."stuffing their mouths with gold" was Aneurin Bevan's phrase........and yet this Government want Doctors to have more control to "milk" the system.......I bet Rolls Royce and Mercedes showrooms are already bulging with GPs and Consultants wondering how to spend the bribes that this Government will throw at

Well done to the doctors!!

"this Government needs to "man-up" and go with what they believe in"

Or maybe they need to skill up and know what they're doing?????

Just ditch the reforms and be done with it, because at the end of the day all they're doing is chasing their own tales getting nowhere when they should have left the whole thing alone in the first place.

Did Cameron not say the NHS will be both ring fenced and protected? all changed once they took control, as always.

I am at a complete loss to understand you... this government (and previous ones) makes a ayatematic attack on the NHS and you don't seem to mind. Maybe it will be a diffferent story when England has the same health care (or lack of it) as the US... then people will mind very much i think.

Logan.....where would you see the Private Sector playing a useful; part in the NHs?

Competition is good, but it depends what kind of competition we are talking the health business the cheapest services/products might not provide the most suitable solutions for patients' health care. A good example is the US health care system. It is based upon "Private Sector input" which compete with each other in prices, but not in quality, nor they will provide you the best technology money can buy...if you have a 'cheap' health care provider...and indeed it will cost you more...Going private, will imply in the long term that you will need to pay for your own health care...In the US, it is quite normal for people to pay on average about $675 per month to have private health care…so, if you cannot afford it…you have NO safety net, and NO access to health care. I am for the public and private sector to work together; however, I do not want to lose the quality of services/products that are available for everyone…no matter one’s education, social and employment status…Universal health care is a right not a privilege! That is why WE pay taxes, so WE have a SAFETY net!

Logan.....other than simply reciting the mantra "competition is good" what evidence do you have?

scratches head...............why do people think we don't pay for our healthcare now?

Logan, I think we all know the difference between paying in America and paying in the UK. But if you don't pay, or have a job which pays medical insurance for you, in the States, then the level of care you receive is very, very limited. And even with medical insurance there is what they call a co-pay to be paid by the person receiving the treatment.

Logan....thats cool, look forward to it......but I think that successive governments are being totally dishonest if they do not acknowledge that we pay for our healthcare..........we do effectively insure ourselves........thats where the phrase "national insurance" came from ......

So passing the majority of the budget of the NHS to doctors is ok but dont listen to them when they tell you they are not happy!
Hmmm someones skewd logic there.

Bit like not trusting them to diagnose people for DLA but handing them billions of the NHS money :S

M.R. think I would prefer it was the other way

Hmmm...wouldnt you think the Government might have consulted the BMA before they drafted the White paper?

would have been the sensible route but then the government appears a littel schizophrenic when it comes to dealing with doctors in general, one minute it trusts them next it doesnt.

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